04 April 2008

Octopuses (octopi?) in an interesting, night-time telly kind of way...

Apparently octopuses (or is it octopi?) are jealous lovers and favour plumper partners.
Maybe we people aren't so unlike the rest of the world's creatures. (except we don't taste very nice as calamari with lemon)

There's not really a ROW connection here, except that violent and horny octopuses amuse me and take away the pallor of Monday's film about the horrible, dreadful things people do to each other.

Maybe the key to international peace is a greater appreciation for nature and more tasty snacks. Calamari with lemon, even.


Peace Turkey said...

I wonder if the key to international peace is actually a greater appreciation for Rubenesque women? Turkovich women for the win!

I'm hungry for Shady Grove calamari now. Thank you, Mr. Blake.

Bill the Pony said...

I read that article. I was bombarded by e-mailed versions of it from people who know of my secret terror of octopi. Mneh. I am convinced they are aliens intent on taking over the planet.