25 February 2008

We're in the wrong business, friends...

Maybe we should have all gone to become MPHs?

(but Prof. Mookerjee was also wrong-- an MBA would be even more useless than usual):

"Global terrorism was a real threat but posed far less risk than obesity, diabetes and smoking-related illnesses, prominent US professor of health law Lawrence Gostin said at the Oxford Health Alliance Summit here.

"Ever since September 11, we've been lurching from one crisis to the next, which has really frightened the public," Gostin told AFP later.

"While we've been focusing so much attention on that, we've had this silent epidemic of obesity that's killing millions of people around the world, and we're devoting very little attention to it and a negligible amount of money.""

...sayeth Yahoo! News

It's something to think about. One's chances in the US of dying of a heart attack are greater than your chances of dying in a terror attack. (As I well know.) But we all focus on terrorism. Maybe because it's big, dramatic and scary? Because we have no control over it, unlike those demises organized one french fry or cookie of death at a time?

Maybe my next degree will indeed be an MPH, rather than a JD.... (since hemorrhagic diseases are much more entertaining than contracts, or so I'm told by a soon-to-be-MPH...)

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